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Summer attractions

This coming Sunday we have much to look forward to!

Sarah Noble is leading and speaking on the theme of the ‘fruit of the Spirit’ at our All Age Worship at 10.00am in Itchen Abbas; and Gerry Stacey and Simon Ffennell are leading our Choral Evensong service in Martyr Worthy at 6.00pm.

However, if you or your family and friends are looking forward to a full ‘day out’ in the country or perhaps by the seaside, may I drop into your thoughts the idea of joining us at 08.30am for our reflective service of Holy Communion in Itchen, followed by some coffee, croissants and teaching (on Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000). Why not join us for this time of comparative calm, before getting on with the rest of your day!

Whichever service you come to, may you be refreshed in your faith in Christ. Sunday is in fact St Barnabas’ Day, one of the New Testament believers who was known for being a ‘son of encouragement’. So let’s take this opportunity to encourage each other. As it says in the book of Hebrews (10:25), ‘let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, but encouraging one another.’

With love and prayers

Revd Peter

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