Prayer Course

The Prayer Course

A series of eight one hour sessions of video, discussion and prayer. Based around the lords prayer answered questions about where, when and how to pray and help you grow in your relationship with God.

Session 1: Why pray?

“Lord, teach us to pray”

This first session of The Prayer Course, we unpacked the importance of prayer and the different topics covered across the course.

Session 2: Adoration

“Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be your name”

  • In this session we explored how we can enjoy God’s presence in praise and worship.

Session 3: Petition

“Give us this day our daily bread”

In this session we unpacked the significance of asking God in prayer.

Session 4: Intercession

“Your kingdom come”

In this session, we explored the power and importance of praying on behalf of others.

Session 5: Unanswered prayer

“Your will be done”

In this session we tackled the challenges and realities when our prayers aren’t answered.

Session 6: Contemplation

“On earth as it is in heaven”

In this session, we discovered how spending time with God in silence can enrich our relationship with Him.

Session 7: Listening

“Give us this day our daily bread”

In this session, we unpacked the practical ways we can tune into hearing God’s voice.

Session 8: Spiritual Warfare

“Deliver us from evil”

In this session, we looked closely at the ways we can pray God’s kingdom come in the midst of a spiritual battle.

Why pray?

For more info click here:
