This week in church

We had a memorable service in Easton on Sunday. It was a delight to see Revd. Peter back from his travels and you can hear his sermon by clicking below.

And following the service there was an excellent organ recital by Tom Featherstonehaugh.

You can see a video of the full recital by clicking on the picture above.

Looking forward to the rest of the week we have.

Platinum Jubilee
We are looking forward to our Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee tomorrow at St Mary’s Easton.
The service will start at 11.30am but it would be ideal if most members of the congregation could take their seats by 11.20am.

Pentecost Sunday
On Sunday we will be celebrating the Festival of Pentecost sometimes referred to as the Church’s Birthday.
Please note that, because of all the other events over this weekend, both our morning services at St John’s, Itchen Abbas, will be comparatively short and will start at unusual times:
09.00 am A Service of Holy Communion (based on the BCP but in contemporary language)
11.00am Church Family Worship—for all ages.
The liturgical colour for Pentecost is red. So please come to celebrate the church’s birthday wearing something red (it will go well with the white and blue also needed for the Jubilee!).
Revd Peter

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