Special events for Ash Wednesday


Lent has come very early this year, so tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. Please consider coming to St John’s, Itchen Abbas for either our Lenten Bible Study over a cup of soup from 12.30-1.30pm (looking this week at Psalm 32) or our Holy Communion Service at 7.30pm.

At the start of our evening gathering we will watch the In the Steps of Jesus video about Jesus’ Temptations in the Judean wilderness (the desert between Jerusalem and Jericho).

To watch the first few moments of the video, please click on the above link; but to watch the whole thing, please come to St John’s Itchen Abbas at 7.30pm when the film—thanks to John Bouldin—will be projected onto the east wall of the church.

We will then continue with our short Communion service during which, for those who wish, there will be the opportunity to receive the imposition of ashes.

May this season of Lent be for us all a time when we find time to grow in our relationship with Jesus—who has suffered for us, but is powerfully alive today!

with love and prayers

Revd Peter

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