Alpha launches today

Alpha in Itchen Valley – launches today

Please tell your friends and neighbours about Alpha – all are welcome

Alpha question mark 3

The Alpha Course is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith.

No pressure.  No follow up.  No charge

FOOD              TALK              DISCUSS

Come to the introductory party on Tuesday 30th September at 7.30pm at St. John’s Itchen Abbas, with no obligation to return….

The introductory talk is entitled:

Is there more to life than this?

Supper (with live music) followed by a talk and discussion in groups, to hear your point of view.

What a great way to spend an evening!

Contact: Revd Alex Pease for further details and to book in for supper at 01962 793063

“What Alpha offers and is attracting thousands of people, is permission, rare in secular culture, to discuss the big questions; life and death and their meaning” The Guardian

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